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Small composite plutons of plagiogranite to quartz gabbro cutting Larson Harbour Fm lavas and contemporaneous with mafic dyke emplacement (Mair, 1987)1. Intrusion age of Smaaland Cove pluton is 150±1 Ma (Mukasa & Dalziel, 1996)2.


Late Jurassic

Map Reference

Curtis, M. L. Geological Map of South Georgia (1:250 000 scale). Sheet 4, (British Antarctic Survey, 2011). Available here.


  1. Mair, B. F. The Geology of South Georgia: VI. Larsen Harbour Formation. Br. Antarct. Surv. Sci. Rep. 111, 60pp (1987). 

  2. Mukasa, S. B. & Dalziel, I. W. Southernmost Andes and South Georgia Island, North Scotia Ridge: zircon U-Pb and muscovite 40Ar39Ar age constraints on tectonic evolution of Southwestern Gondwanaland. J. South Am. Earth Sci. 9, 349–365 (1996).