Bedded sedimentary, volcaniclastic and volcanic rocks exposed in the escarpments of south central Adelaide Island at Fletcher Bluff, Milestone Bluff, Window Buttress to Cape Alexandra. Dominated by cobble/boulder conglomerates and sandstones composed of immature volcanic material. Interbedded with rare crystal, crystal-lithic and vitric tuffs. Belemnite, bivalve and plants fossil fragments have been located at Milestone Bluff and Window Buttress. An interbedded silicic crystal tuff has yielded an age of 113.9 ± 2.5 Ma (Riley et al., 2012)1.
Early Cretaceous (113.9 ±2.5 Ma)
Map Reference
Riley, T. R., Flowerdew, M. J. & Haselwimmer, C. E. Geological Map of Adelaide Island, Graham Land (1:200 000 scale). Sheet 2, (British Antarctic Survey, 2011). Available here.
Riley, T. R., Flowerdew, M. J. & Whitehouse, M. J. Chrono-and lithostratigraphy of a Mesozoic–Tertiary fore-to intra-arc basin: Adelaide Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Geol. Mag. 149, 768–782 (2012). ↩